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Cosecha Real Coffee Products

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Green coffee

Cosecha Real organic colombian coffee is a certified by the Rainforest Alliance and is produced in accordance with the Common Code for the Coffee Community – 4C. It is cultivated by the highest quality standards, using the most representative steps in the traditional process of growing and harvesting 100 % Arabica coffee. This process introducing modern elements that make them more efficient and sustainable.

This process involves families from Cundinamarca Colombia that have been partnering to generate competitive transaction volumes. In this way, they manage to capture links in the value chain of coffee and therefore receive a higher percentage of business profits.

Cosecha Real green coffee is the result of processing the raw material into a value-added export type product. The green coffee is subjected to the process of threshing, sorting by type of meshes, and manual selection.

We offer green coffee identified by the National Coffee Federation of Colombia as Supreme Coffee. It is packaged in plastic bags and “fique”sack , which keep the coffee fresh and safe.

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Roasted coffee

Cosecha Real Coffee offers a unique drink with perfect balance, floral essence, great body and high acidity. With your purchase, you are supporting the recovery of land reforested with trees of Nogales, Guamos, Gualandayes, Cámbulos, among many other native species used for shade Cosecha Real coffee.

This coffee is grown free of synthetic chemical products and sorrounded by woodpeckers, squirrels, butterflies, grasshoppers, bees and other species that are part of the local biodiversity.

The Cosecha Real  Coffee is crop, selected by hand and sun dried, all made by families in the region with whom a strong bond of social responsibility that guarantees them fair treatment conditions is established.
